Sunday, October 08, 2006

essays are piling and piling.
i'm so sick of it.

my boy has been really adorable.
4 teeth out and pain is all he feels.

i realized i had been spending so much money
i actually really lost count.
getting my allowance is really not that enough.
taking into account that i have to put about half aside for savings.
there's hall fees.
school books.
and daddy just asked if he could cut his 300 for me to 200???

where got enough??
i'm going to start my driving soon.
and i'm gonna pay every bit myself.
dead shit.

i forgot that as an older sis who has started "staying outside home"
i actually started having that "i feel obligated to be nice to my siblings" mode
that is i unknowingly start buying more things for them almost every other fortnight.

being in hall means paying my own meals.
being at home means paying for their meals.
now where did all my moo-lahs go?????

sometimes i wonder if it is really enough?
i need to start a where did all my money go? accounting book.

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