Tuesday, November 29, 2005

came across ros's blog and i chanced upon this entry she made...

it happened some day in march 2004
we were celebrating the march babies birthday - chong ben and ven-
and we ended up playing taboo in ros's room.

it was a guy vs girl thing...
and we came to a huge realisation the heavily polluted mind of our boys.

Question: What do you guys look at when you see a girl?
Ben: Tits
Andy: Breasts
Jinpeng: I can't remember what he said but of course it's something dirty.
Chong: Figure!! (correct answer)
Apparently Chong gets the most correct answer when it comes to disgusting stuff.

Another one,
What happens after you had sex?
Chong: hyperventilate! (what?!)

Welcome to my life in [SA]ling....
our boys....our always hilarious and funny boys...
but they were too....the most helpful boys in like the history of [SA]ilors...

and i truly miss them.

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