Wednesday, August 23, 2006

i think i'm going blind.

my left eye hurts bad when i rub it.
it feels like there's a big huge pimple in the INSIDE.
or like there's a bad bad bruise.

wadeva it is....
it's just PAINFUL~!!!!

last evening...
we had NTUYC main com meeting.
yours truly is doing publicity...
which i think is gonna be sooooo FUN.

tee-shirt designing.
poster designing.

gonna help michele dear who's the biz management
with liasing for sponsers.... - which i DUN THINK we can find-
but sounds interesting anyway.

so anyway....
the sailing main comm....
is made up of...... 20 people...
out of which.....
10 are formally....


hahah..... talk about dominating..

went for supper with ben and mich after at hall 2.
and there we started meeting frens and realized...
eh..... i know your fren.
eh i know him too...
eh eh EH~!!!!!

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