Thursday, July 05, 2007

in a really bad mood now.
registering of modules is driving me nuts.

cant register for the NON-EXAMINABLE geog module this sem.
which is bad.
because i really needed one less exam for this sem
cause i foresee maths being a really tough.
really really tough.
i havent been doing well for maths.
struggling and barely surviving.
both maths modules.
so i really need the ONE LESS exam to work extra harder for this sem's maths.

and now?
all screwed up cause they opened a really small class.
and people SAT IN FRONT of the com the entire morning to register.

what happened to practicum????
why you all SOOOOOO free...
i had lessons straight leaving me NO time to register lar
and by the time i'm home to register.
it's full.

one way is to take 5 modules this sem.
and take 3 geog modules next sem.
once again NOT advisable since i plan to do my elective next sem.

someone just sort me out. please
or should i just anyhow whack an elective this sem.
i refuse to actually.

just kill me. please

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