Friday, June 02, 2006

i finally got the letter from MOE.

and it says alot.
but the most important part is in bold like this:

"If I am not exempted from the EPT and/or PPT, i need to pass the EPT/PPT by MAY 2006. Otherwise, the Ministry will withday the offer made to me."

so if you guys remember.
i DID NOT pass my PPT.

so yesh. i'm screwed.
darn screwed.

and i cant clear my doubts till monday since MOE works on a five day week.
and monday = 5 June.

screwed. screwed. SCREWED~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i probably will end up in a shit hole.
that is nowhere to go.

yesh. shit hole for abby's uni.

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